Remi Ojo (Pharm. D.)
Mai Kwan
Melrose Wright-Otuonye
Remi Ojo Jr.
Toye Ojo
At Corporate Pharmacy & Compounding Centre we speak your language: English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Hungarian, Yoruba, Patois, Farsi, German and French
He has received further training in pharmacy compounding with special interests in women health issues, pain management and veterinary compounding. He is a member of the Ontario Pharmacists Association, the International Academy of Compounding Pharmacists and formerly represented District 3 on the Ontario College of Pharmacists Council.
He was honored with the African Canadian Achievement Award in 2002.
Health News
Oral vs. Topical Therapy for Arthritis
Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are among the most commonly prescribed drugs and are responsible for approximately one-quarter of all…
Transdermal Methimazole for Hyperthyroid Cats
Hyperthyroidism (too much thyroid hormone) is a common disease of older cats.
Kaopectate® Reformulation Contains Salicylates: Caution for Cats
Kaopectate® is an OTC human diarrhea treatment which people often use for their pets without the recommendation of a veterinarian.
Soy for Postmenopausal Women
Soy contains isoflavones, phytoestrogens (“plant estrogens”) that mimic some of the effects of estrogen.